Digital Photogrammetry
Course Details
- Lectures: 45 Hours
- Exercise: 15 Hours
- Year: III
- Semester: V
- Full Marks: 100
a) To provide general and theoretical knowledge about scanning of photographs, scan resolution, and mapping scale.
b) To provide knowledge on orientation process, geometry, and error analysis.
c) To provide the knowledge on selection, distribution, and transfer of control points.
d) To train to carry out stereo image analysis, DTM generation, and feature extraction.
Course Contents
Scanning (5 hrs) 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Scanner
- Document scanner
- Photogrammetric Scanner
- Scan resolution 1.3 Scanning of photographs
- Relation of photo scale and map scale
- Calculation of scan resolution
- Average scale and equivalent scale 1.4 Scanning of negative
- Quality of film, Film deformation
- Use of fiducial and floating marks
Analytical photogrammetry (5 hrs) 2.1 Photo coordinate 2.2 Image object space 2.3 Lens distortion and compensation 2.4 Collinearity and coplanarity concept 2.5 Space Resection 2.6 Aerial Triangulation
Provision of Control Points (5 hrs) 3.1 Ground control points
- Establishment and distribution of control points
- Point geometry and strength of figure 3.2 Tie points
- Distribution of tie points
- Selection of tie points
- Automatic and manual tie point generation
- Transferring tie points
- Accuracy assessment
Orientation (10 hrs) 4.1 Interior orientation
- Definition, Camera calibration
- Rotation in space, Rotation matrix
- Collinearity equation
- Orientation of scanned photographs and digital photographs 4.2 Exterior Orientation
- Definition, Relative Geometry
- Use of GCP’s
- Block adjustment
- Error analysis 4.3 Point Densification
- Principle
- Editing of points
- Accuracy assessment
Terrain Model (10 hrs) 5.1 Geometry of stereo pair
- Stereo Restitution
- Height measurement
- Point cloud generation and editing
- Surfacing 5.2 Different types of terrain models
- Digital Terrain Model
- Digital Elevation Model
- Digital Surface Model 5.3 Sources of DTM
- Lidar Survey
- UAV survey
- Stereo Imageries
- Using Topographic data
Ortho rectification and feature Extraction (10 hrs) 6.1 Rectification
- Definition, Types
- Selection of Rectification type 6.2 Orthorectification
- Orthorectification and correction of errors
- Challenges (Undulated terrain, Elevated objects)
- Benefits of Orthorectification
- Error analysis 6.3 Feature Extraction
- 2D feature extraction
- 3D feature extraction (Benefits and Challenges)
- Monoplotting
Students will perform the following tasks:
- Creating camfile using camera calibration data
- Interior orientation, exterior orientation
- DTM generation and editing
- Orthorectification and 2D plotting
- 3D feature extraction
Recommended Reading and Reference Books
- Digital photogrammetry. Publisher: CRC Press, 2001, Yves Egels, Michel Kasser
- Elements of photogrammetry with applications in GIS. Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering, Paul R. Wolf, Bon Dewitt.
- Modern Photogrammetry. Publisher: Wiley; Edward M. Mikhail, James S. Bethel, Chris McGlone
- Special applications of photogrammetry. Publisher: IntechOpen; 2012, Daniel Carneiro Da Silva
- Manual of Aerial Survey. Publisher: Whittles Publishing; 2016, Roger Read, Ron Graham
- Lecture Notes.