Purbanchal University
NEC Syllabus

Nepal Engineering Council Registration Examination - Geomatics Engineering Syllabus (AGeE)

Chapters 1-6 focus on fundamentals and application aspects of Geomatics Engineering; chapters 7-8 focus on geospatial analysis and their applications; Chapter 9 puts emphasis on engineering survey; and the last (10th) chapter is related to project planning, design, and implementation.

1. Fundamentals of Surveying (AGeE01)

  1. Introduction to surveying: History; definitions; principles; classifications; applications; scale; linear and angular measurements; units; standardization and conversion. (AGeE0101)
  2. Traditional methods of surveying: Chain and Tape (types and corrections); Plane Table; Compass; Theodolite; Tacheometry. (AGeE0102)
  3. Horizontal control: Triangulation; Trilateration; Traversing (Principles, Methods, strength of figures, Computations, and Error Adjustments); applications. (AGeE0103)
  4. Vertical control: Levelling and Types, Direct and Indirect Leveling (Spirit Levelling, Precise Levelling; Reciprocal Levelling and Trigonometric Leveling) Errors and Corrections, temporary and permanent adjustment in Levelling. (AGeE0104)
  5. Topographical surveying: Planning, Reconnaissance, Monumentation, Control Survey, Detailing; Contouring, Mapping, and Drafting. (AGeE0105)
  6. Adjustment of observation: Introduction, Theory of measurements and errors, source of errors and types, Accuracy and Precision, Least Square Adjustments (principles; methods of observation equations, differences and correlates, linearization of nonlinear equations; intersection, resection, traverse, triangulation and trilateration adjustments); Propagation of Errors; variance, Co–variance, Correlation and Regression. (AGeE0106)

2. Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Image Processing (AGeE02)

  1. Fundamentals of photogrammetry: Definition of Photogrammetry, principles, types, history of photogrammetry, scope and application of photogrammetry. (AGeE0201)
  2. Aerial photogrammetry: Types of aerial photographs, Vertical scale of aerial photograph, Photogrammetry process, Flight plan, orientation (Interior and exterior orientation, Inner, Relative Absolute Orientation) Aerial triangulation, Block adjustment, Effect of relief and tilt displacement, Rectification, Oblique photography, Photo mosaics and photo maps, Pre-pointing and post pointing, Properties of ideal GCP. (AGeE0202)
  3. Binocular vision and digital photogrammetry: Human eye and its characteristics, Stereoscopic Vision, Pseudoscopic Vision, Anaglyph Vision, Application of stereo vision and parallax in photogrammetry, Digital Photogrammetry Process, Image Matching; Area Based and Feature Based Image Matching. (AGeE0203)
  4. Fundamentals of remote sensing: Introduction and brief history of Remote Sensing, types of sensor, Resolution (Spatial, Spectral, Radiometric and Temporal) and platform, Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrum, spectral reflectance curve, Interaction of EMR with Atmosphere and Earth Surface. (AGeE0204)
  5. Image processing and interpretation: Image Enhancement, Histogram, Filtering, Radiometric distortion and corrections, Geometric distortion and correction, Image classifications (Unsupervised and Supervised), Accuracy assessment and Image interpretation process. (AGeE0205)
  6. Terrain models generation and ortho products: Methods (UAV, LiDAR, Stereo Imageries, HRSI, Basics of Microwave Remote Sensing, SAR and InSAR), Products (DTM, DEM, DSM), 2D and 3D products. (AGeE0206)

3. Geodesy and Gravity Field (AGeE03)

  1. Basic geodesy: Definitions; shape of earth; coordinates; geoid vs ellipsoid; deflection of verticals; laplace equation. (AGeE0301)
  2. Mathematical and geometrical concept of geodesy: Basic ellipsoidal geometry; Coordinates calculation on ellipsoidal surface; selection of ellipsoid; Normal section; meridional and prime vertical arc. (AGeE0302)
  3. Datum, coordinate system and projections: Definition; Coordinate system (Reference Frame, system; terrestrial; celestial; orbital, ITRS/ITRF/ECEF, local and global spheroids); Transformation (Coordinate transformation, datum transformation; geocentric and geographic, local to global); Reflection and Rotation matrix. (AGeE0303)
  4. Physical geodesy: Newton’s Laws; Gravity Force; Gravity Potential; Theoretical, Measured and Normal Gravity; Gravity Anomaly; Undulations and Heights; Level surfaces and plumb lines. (AGeE0304)
  5. Gravimetry and gravity field of earth: Laplace equation and spherical coordinates; Spherical Harmonics; Clairut's Formula; Gravimeters; Isostatics and Non-Isostatic Gravity Reduction. (AGeE0305)
  6. Field astronomy and time systems: Celestial sphere; Celestial systems; spherical triangle; Napier rule; Sidereal Time and Universal Time; Local and Standard time; time conversion; Motions of heavenly bodies (precession, nutation, polar motion, aberration, parallax and refraction); Dependent and Independent Coordinate System; Star Almanac. (AGeE0306)

4. Cadaster, Land use, and Land Management (AGeE04)

  1. Introduction to cadastre: History, Principles, Components of Cadastre; International practices; Cadastral survey methods- Analog and Digital, Projection system and sheet numbering; Cadastral System of Nepal; Procedure and Update of Records. (AGeE0401)
  2. Land administration: Definition; functions; Land Reform; Land Taxation; Land Market. (AGeE0402)
  3. Land tenure and land registration: Land laws; Tenure Security; Tenure System; Land registration and their types; merits and demerits of land registration systems. (AGeE0403)
  4. Land information system: Components; Stakeholders; Data; Procedure; Data maintenance and Dissemination. (AGeE0404)
  5. Land use and land valuation: Concepts of Land use and land use planning; Participation and Implementation in planning; Land Consolidation and Land Pooling; Land Governance; Land Conflicts and Resolutions; Basics of land valuation; Legal basis for land valuation; Land valuation in Nepal. (AGeE0405)
  6. Land related Policies, Acts, Rules and Regulation: Land Act; National Land Use Policy; National Land Policy; Land Use Act and Regulations; Land (Survey and Measurement) Act, Rules. (AGeE0406)

5. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) (AGeE05)

  1. Fundamentals and principles of GNSS: GNSS Observable (carrier phase, code pseudo ranges and doppler frequency), antenna and receiver characteristics. (AGeE0501)
  2. Mathematical models: Coordinate Reference System for GNSS; Point positioning; Relative Positioning; mathematical model for GNSS satellite orbit. (AGeE0502)
  3. GNSS signals and processing: Fundamentals of GNSS signals, Linear Carrier Phase Combinations (Single Differencing, Double Differencing, Triple Differencing, Carrier Smoothing of the Code), System Biases and Error (Multipath, Timing and Orbital Biases, Troposphere, Ionosphere). (AGeE0503)
  4. Satellite geometry and DOP: Fundamentals of satellite geometry, Survey Planning and Dilution of Precision (DOP), GNSS Survey Specifications and Quality Assurance. (AGeE0504)
  5. Static and kinematic positioning: Fundamentals of Static and kinematic positioning, Static Positioning Performance and Applications, Rapid Static Performance and Applications, Kinematic Positioning Performance and Applications Pseudo-Kinematic (Pseudo-Static) Positioning, Semi (or Stop and Go) Kinematic Positioning, Real-time Positioning and Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS). (AGeE0505)
  6. Positioning by inertial navigation system (INS): Fundamentals of INS, Mathematical Model, Kalman Filtering. (AGeE0506)

6. Cartography and Geo-Visualization (AGeE06)

  1. Fundamentals of cartography and visualization: Basic definitions and development, Classification of maps, Types of Maps, Map Scale, Enlargement and Reduction of Map, Uses of Map. (AGeE0601)
  2. Map projection and map sheet numbering: Introduction, Classification of Map Projection, Map distortion and Scale Factor, Choice of Map Projection (National & International Practices), Map sheet numbering (National & International Practices), Map Sheet Numbering for Topographic Base Maps in Nepal. (AGeE0602)
  3. Cartographic visualization: Principles and Objectives of map design; Map Symbols; Visual Hierarchy; Measurement Scales; Graphic Visual Variables and their association; Thematic map presentation. (AGeE0603)
  4. Generalization, typography and color theory: Generalization definition, types and guidelines; Typographic grammar; General and Specific typographic guidelines, Toponymy, Color Theory, Color Guidelines, Color Models. (AGeE0604)
  5. Digital cartography and web cartography: Introduction to digital cartography, Raster and Vector data, Basics of Web Cartography, Web Map Service (WMS), Web Feature Service (WFS), and Web Coverage Service (WCS). (AGeE0605)
  6. Cartographic data sources and map production: Data sources for cartographic representation, Map compilation, Map editing, and Map Production processes; Printing and Publishing Maps. (AGeE0606)

7. Geographic Information System (GIS) (AGeE07)

  1. Fundamentals of GIS: Definition, History and Evolution, Components of GIS, GIS Data Models (Raster and Vector), Types of GIS Data, GIS Software and Hardware. (AGeE0701)
  2. Spatial data acquisition and data input: Data Sources, Methods of Data Capture (Remote Sensing, GPS, Surveying), Data Input Methods, Data Quality, and Data Preprocessing. (AGeE0702)
  3. Spatial data management: Spatial Database Management Systems (DBMS), Data Models (Relational, Object-Oriented), Data Storage, Indexing, and Retrieval. (AGeE0703)
  4. Spatial analysis and geoprocessing: Spatial Analysis Techniques (Overlay, Buffer, Network Analysis), Geoprocessing Tools, Spatial Statistics, and Modeling. (AGeE0704)
  5. GIS applications: Applications of GIS in Urban Planning, Environmental Management, Disaster Management, Transportation, and Natural Resource Management. (AGeE0705)
  6. GIS project management: Project Planning, Design, Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation, GIS Standards and Policies, Legal and Ethical Issues in GIS. (AGeE0706)

8. Geospatial Data Infrastructure (GDI) (AGeE08)

  1. Introduction to GDI: Definition, Components, Benefits, and Challenges of Geospatial Data Infrastructure. (AGeE0801)
  2. Spatial data standards: Standards for Spatial Data (ISO, OGC), Metadata Standards, Data Interoperability, and Data Exchange Formats. (AGeE0802)
  3. Geospatial data sharing and dissemination: Data Sharing Policies, Data Access, Data Dissemination Methods, and Platforms. (AGeE0803)
  4. Spatial data infrastructure (SDI): Concepts, Components, and Implementation of SDI, National and Regional SDI Initiatives. (AGeE0804)
  5. Geospatial web services: Web Mapping Services (WMS), Web Feature Services (WFS), Web Coverage Services (WCS), and Catalog Services for the Web (CSW). (AGeE0805)
  6. Geospatial cloud computing: Concepts, Benefits, and Challenges of Cloud Computing for Geospatial Applications, Cloud-Based GIS Solutions. (AGeE0806)

9. Engineering Survey (AGeE09)

  1. Introduction to engineering survey: Definitions, Principles, Types, and Applications of Engineering Surveys. (AGeE0901)
  2. Construction surveying: Surveying for Construction Projects, Setting Out, Earthwork Calculation, Volume Estimation, and As-Built Surveys. (AGeE0902)
  3. Route surveying: Surveying for Transportation Projects (Roads, Railways), Horizontal and Vertical Alignment, Curve Setting, and Cross-Sectioning. (AGeE0903)
  4. Hydrographic surveying: Surveying for Water Bodies, Depth Measurement, Tidal Observations, and Bathymetric Mapping. (AGeE0904)
  5. Mine surveying: Surveying for Mining Projects, Surface and Underground Surveys, Volume Calculation, and Mine Plan Preparation. (AGeE0905)
  6. Industrial surveying: Surveying for Industrial Projects, Alignment and Positioning of Machinery, Deformation Monitoring, and Precision Surveys. (AGeE0906)

10. Project Planning, Design, and Implementation (AGeE10)

  1. Project management: Definition, Project Life Cycle, Project Planning, Scheduling, and Control, Resource Allocation, and Risk Management. (AGeE1001)
  2. Feasibility study: Technical, Economic, Financial, and Environmental Feasibility Analysis, Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Project Viability. (AGeE1002)
  3. Project design: Principles of Project Design, Design Process, Design Criteria and Standards, Design Documentation. (AGeE1003)
  4. Project implementation: Project Execution, Monitoring, and Controlling, Quality Management, Health and Safety Management, and Environmental Management. (AGeE1004)
  5. Project evaluation: Project Performance Evaluation, Post-Implementation Review, Lessons Learned, and Project Closure. (AGeE1005)
  6. Sustainable project management: Concepts of Sustainability in Project Management, Sustainable Design and Construction Practices, Sustainable Resource Management. (AGeE1006)
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