Syllabus of Bachelor in Geomatics Engineering Purbanchal University (PU)
First Semester
S.N. | Subject |
1 | Communicative English |
2 | Mathematics I |
3 | Chemistry |
4 | Basic GIS |
5 | Fundamentals of Surveying |
6 | Field Work I |
Second Semester
S.N. | Subject |
1 | Physics |
2 | Mathematics II |
3 | Geodesy |
4 | Communicative Nepali |
5 | Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics |
6 | Computer Concept and Programming |
7 | Basic Engineering Drawing |
Third Semester
S.N. | Subject |
1 | Photogrammetry |
2 | Mathematics III |
3 | Cadastral Surveying |
4 | Cartography and Map Reproduction |
5 | Topographic Surveying I |
6 | Field Work II |
Fourth Semester
S.N. | Subject |
1 | Probability and Statistics |
2 | Land Registration and Administration |
3 | Fundamentals of Thermodynamics |
4 | Remote Sensing and Image Processing |
5 | Engineering Survey |
6 | Astronomy |
7 | Topographical Survey - 2 |
Fifth Semester
Subject |
Digital Photogrammetry |
Physical Geodesy |
Mathematics 5 - Numerical Method |
Digital Cartography |
Advanced GIS and Database Management System |
Field Work III |
Sixth Semester
S.N. | Subject |
1 | Geomatic Computation |
2 | Land Resources Mapping |
3 | Spatial Data Modelling and Infrastructure |
4 | Land Law |
5 | Satellite Geodesy |
6 | Advanced Computer Programming |
7 | Digital and 3D Cadastre |
Seventh Semester
S.N. | Subject |
1 | Project Management (Survey) |
2 | Professional Ethics and Practice |
3 | Environmental and Socio-economic Survey |
4 | Land Valuation |
5 | Estimating and Costing |
6 | Project Work |
Eigth Semester
S.N. | Subject |
1 | Spatial Planning and development |
2 | Engineering Economics and Management |
3 | Elective Subject I |
4 | Internship |
5 | Thesis |
Elective Subject I
- GIS Application for DRM
- Earth Observation
- Urban and Regional Planning