Purbanchal University
Fifth Semester
Field Work-III


Course Details

  • Lectures: 45 Hours
  • Exercise: 75 Hours
  • Semester: V
  • Year: 3

A. Course Objectives

  1. To provide modern practical knowledge of topographical and cadastral surveying, mapping, or GIS using various methods and instruments.
  2. To provide practical knowledge of planning, estimation, field camp organization, and final data and report presentation for student projects.
  3. To develop confidence in topographical, cadastral surveying, mapping, and GIS works.
  4. The main purpose of Field Work-III is to develop skills in plane topographical and cadastral surveying using modern techniques or total station. The course includes drawing planimetric and hypsometric features such as contours, spot heights, and lettering on large-scale topographical maps and databases. Students will also relay cadastral parcels or superimpose cadastral maps on topographical maps.

B. Detail of Curricula

  1. Planning of field work
  2. Collection of materials and instruments
  3. Office work
  4. Field work (2 weeks)
  5. Office computations
  6. Final data preparation
  7. Report writing
  8. Defense of works for accuracy and theoretical soundness.

C. Detail of Field Work

  1. Total station is a digital method of survey in which observation and plotting are done separately. Relay of cadastral parcels is carried out using total station or other methods.

Instruments Used in Plane Table Survey:

  • Total station set 1
  • Tripod
  • Staff
  • Ranging rod
  • Computer and accessories
  • Tapes

Orientation will be conducted in the office classroom before field work. Field work includes:

a. Recce Monumentation, Traversing, and detailed observation for 1:500 or 1:1000 map (35 hrs) b. Plotting of control points and map by computer using database (25 hrs) c. Plotting or relocation of cadastral parcels by total station or tape method (50 hrs) d. Contouring and drawing (10 hrs) e. Computation and report writing (10 hrs)

D. Evaluation Scheme

a. Internal Evaluation

i. Attendance ii. Instrument handling iii. Discipline iv. Map/ Report v. Viva

b. External Evaluation

i. Presentation ii. Report/ Result iii. Viva

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