Course Details
- Lectures: 45 Hours
- Year: 3
- Semester: V
- Tutorial: 15 Hours
- Full Marks: 100
A. Course Objectives
a) To provide up-to-date theoretical knowledge on physical geodesy, crustal movement, and high precision survey.
b) To provide knowledge on instrumentation for measurement of the above.
c) To carry out observations for crustal movement, astronomic and precise leveling for the preparation of geoidal-spheroidal separation.
B. Course Detail
1. Physical Geodesy (17 Hours)
- 1.1 Newton’s Law of Gravitation
- 1.2 Gravity forces, Gravity potential and gravitation
- 1.3 Equipotential Surface and geoid
- 1.4 Theoretical and measured gravity, gravity anomaly
- 1.5 Gravity field of earth
- 1.5.1 Laplace equation and spherical coordinates
- 1.5.2 Spherical harmonics
- 1.5.3 Clairaut’s Formula
- 1.6 Gravimetry, absolute and relative gravimetry
- 1.7 Gravimeters and their principal
- 1.7.1 Pendulum system of gravity measurement
- 1.7.2 Construction and principle of absolute and relative gravimeters
- 1.7.3 Various types of gravimeters
- 1.8 Gravity observation and reduction
- 1.8.1 Free-air anomaly
- 1.8.2 Bouguer Plate Anomaly
- 1.8.3 Isostacy
- 1.8.4 Earth tide correction
- 1.8.5 Terrain Correction
- 1.8.6 Additional corrections
- 1.9 Field Gravimetry
- 1.9.1 Process of gravimetry
- 1.9.2 Gravity observations and computation
2. Geometrical Geodesy (14 Hours)
- 2.1 Various shapes of earth: Topographic surface, Geoid and ellipsoid
- 2.2 Oblate and prolate spheroid
- 2.3 Reference ellipsoid, best fitting ellipsoid, ellipsoidal geometry
- 2.4 Datum and Their Types
- 2.5 Horizontal Datum
- 2.6 Orthometric, dynamic and normal height
- 2.7 Deflection of Vertical, Components of deflection of vertical
- 2.8 Field procedure of determination of deflection of vertical
- 2.9 Laplace Equation
- 2.10 Vertical datum and mean sea level
- 2.11 Geoid Models, Various Geoid Models, Preparation of Geoid Model
- 2.12 Orientation of Ellipsoid to Geoid
- 2.12.1 Orientation by Single Astronomic Position Datum Orientation
- 2.12.2 Astro-geodetic orientation
3. Mathematical Geodesy (8 Hours)
- 3.1 Reference System, Reference frames and coordinate systems
- 3.2 ITRF and WGS84
- 3.3 Astronomic and geodetic coordinates
- 3.4 Coordinate Systems
- 3.4.1 Topocentric and geocentric coordinate systems
- 3.4.2 Rectangular and geodetic coordinates
- 3.4.3 Different types of latitude and their relation
- 3.4.4 Conversion from geodetic to rectangular and rectangular to geodetic coordinates
- 3.5 Datum transformation
- 3.5.1 Concept and need of datum transformation
- 3.5.2 Helmert’s and Molodensky transformation, other transformations
- 3.5.3 Procedure of determination of transformation parameters
4. Crustal Movement and Observation of Structure Movement (6 Hours)
- 4.1 Plate boundaries and crustal movement
- 4.2 Mean sea level, Vertical and Horizontal movements, variation of gravity
- 4.3 Observation for movement of structures
- 4.3.1 Geodetic and non-geodetic techniques of deformation measurement
- 4.3.2 Field process of observation for movement of bridge, building
Recommended Reading and Reference books
- Geodesy, G. Bomford, Oxford, UK
- "Surveying, Vol. I – III," Dr. B. C. Punmia, A.K. Jain and AK Jain, Laxmi Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, Latest edition.
- Introduction to Geodesy, History and Concept of Modern Geodesy, 1997, J.R. Smith, John Wiley & Sons Inc.