Purbanchal University
Sixth Semester
Land Resource Mapping

Land Resources Mapping

Teaching Hours/week Examination Scheme Total Marks
Internal Final
Theory Practical Theory Practical
Cr L T P Duration Marks Duration Marks
3 3 1 2/2 20 20 3 hrs 60 100

Course Objectives

  • To provide general and theoretical knowledge of land resources survey and mapping.
  • To provide general knowledge about geological, hydrological, and climatological surveys and extraction of data from these surveys and maps.
  • To train in mapping various thematic maps and data.

Course Contents

1. Introduction (4 Hours)

1.1. Introduction to Land Resources Mapping
1.2. Type of survey and mapping
1.3. Utilisation of Resources maps
1.4. Sustainable development and Agenda 21
1.5. Requirement of information
1.6. Importance of spatial data referenced to national systems

2. Land Utilisation (7 Hours)

2.1. Introduction
2.2. Contents and accuracy/resolution
2.3. Methodology of preparation of map and report:

  • Office work, fieldwork, aerial photo and remote sensing, photo/images interpretation, field verification and data collection, map and report compilation, data collection and verification, cartographic and reproduction works.
    2.4. Application of maps and data
    2.5. Revision of maps and data using Remote Sensing/photo images

3. Land System or Soil (5 Hours)

3.1. Introduction
3.2. Contents and accuracy/resolution
3.3. Methodology of preparation of map and report:

  • Office work, fieldwork, aerial photo and remote sensing, photo/images interpretation, field verification and data collection, map and report compilation, data collection and verification, cartographic and reproduction works.
    3.4. Application of maps and data
    3.5. Revision of maps and data using Remote Sensing/photo images

4. Geology (6 Hours)

4.1. Introduction
4.2. Contents and accuracy/resolution
4.3. Methodology of preparation of map and report:

  • Office work, fieldwork, aerial photo and remote sensing, photo/images interpretation, field verification and data collection, map and report compilation, data collection and verification, cartographic and reproduction works.
    4.4. Application of maps and data
    4.5. Revision of maps and data using Remote Sensing/photo images

5. Climatology (5 Hours)

5.1. Introduction
5.2. Contents and accuracy/resolution
5.3. Methodology of preparation of map and report:

  • Office work, collection of hydrological and meteorological data, analysis of data with spatial situation, field verification and data collection of additional data, map and report compilation, cartographic and reproduction works.
    5.4. Application of maps and data
    5.5. Revision of maps and data
    5.6. Use of GNSS in climatology

6. Hydrology (4 Hours)

6.1. Introduction
6.2. Contents and accuracy/resolution
6.3. Methodology of preparation of map and data
6.4. Application of maps and data
6.5. Revision of maps and data

7. Land Suitability and Land Capability (8 Hours)

7.1. Introduction
7.2. Contents and accuracy/resolution
7.3. Methodology of preparation of map and report
7.4. Cadastral super-imposition:

  • Office work, fieldwork, land system, climatological and ecological map and data interpretation, map and report compilation, data collection and verification, cartographic and reproduction works.
    7.5. Application of maps and data
    7.6. Revision of maps and data
    7.7. Socio-economic survey

8. Land Use Planning (6 Hours)

8.1. Introduction
8.2. Contents and accuracy/resolution
8.3. Methodology of preparation of map and data
8.4. Climate resilience land use planning
8.5. Participation of local people and authorities
8.6. Field marking and implementation
8.7. Legislation
8.8. Organisation and administration
8.9. Applications of data


  • Preparation of specification and methodology of working on each theme.
  • Evaluation of existing specifications and methodology.
  • Preparation and conducting fieldwork to survey for these purposes.
  • Drawing of a map of small areas with proper color and symbols.

Recommended Reading and Reference Books

  1. R C Ward, Principles of Hydrology, McGraw Hill Book Co. Ltd, 1989.
  2. R McLiveen, Fundamentals of Weather and Climate, Routledge, 1991.
  3. RJ Chorley, Atmosphere, Weather and Climate, Routledge, 2003.
  4. Land Utilisation Reports, LRMP, Survey Dept., Kathmandu, 1986.
  5. Land System Reports, LRMP, Survey Dept., Kathmandu, 1986.
  6. Land Capability Reports, LRMP, Survey Dept., Kathmandu, 1986.
  7. Geology Reports, LRMP, Survey Dept., Kathmandu, 1986.
  8. Climatological Reports, LRMP, Survey Dept., Kathmandu, 1986.
  9. Summary Reports, LRMP, Survey Dept., Kathmandu, 1986.
  10. J D Keen, Practical of Hydrology, Land Surveyor Workshop.

Examination Scheme

Chapter Very short questions Short questions Long questions Total marks
No. of questions Marks No. of questions Marks No. of questions Marks
1 - - 1 4 - - 4
2 - - - - 1 10 10
3 1 2 1 4 - - 6
4 1 2 2 8 - - 10
5 1 2 1 4 - - 6
6 1 2 1 4 - - 6
7 - - - - 1 10 10
8 - - 2 8 - - 8
Total 4 8 8 32 2 20 60

Model Questions

Very Short Questions (4 x 2 = 8)

  1. What do you understand by the Land system map?
  2. Write short notes on Agenda 21.
  3. Write down the contents of climatology maps.
  4. Define hydrology.

Short Questions (8 x 4 = 32)

  1. Define and write uses of Land Resources Mapping.
  2. Describe the methodology of preparation of soil map with a chart.
  3. Describe the contents of geological map and representation cartographic works.
  4. Describe the method of preparation of geological map using aerial photos or satellite imagery.
  5. Describe the contents of climatological maps.
  6. Explain the accuracy/resolution of hydrological maps.
  7. Describe the methodology of preparation of map and data for land use planning.
  8. Describe the participation of local people and authorities in land use planning.

Long Questions (2 x 10 = 20)

  1. Describe the contents and accuracy of land utilization map/data.
  2. Describe the working procedure of preparation of land suitability maps.
  3. Explain briefly the method of the preparation of geological maps.
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