Purbanchal University
Sixth Semester
Spatial Data Modelling and Infrastructure

Spatial Data Modelling and Infrastructure

Teaching Hours/week Examination Scheme Total Marks
Internal Final
Theory Practical Theory Practical
Cr L T P Duration Marks Duration Marks
3 3 - 2/2 20 20 3 hrs 60 100

Course Objectives

  1. To provide up-to-date theoretical and practical knowledge on Spatial Data Modelling.
  2. To provide knowledge on Spatial Data Infrastructure and Interoperability.
  3. To model spatial data for varied purposes, prepare metadata, data storage, and distribution.

Course Contents

1. Spatial Data and Modelling Basics (4 hrs)

  • Introduction and Role of Spatial Data in Decision Making
  • Types of Spatial Data and Data Structure
  • Coordinate Systems and Projections
  • Geodatabases

2. Geometric and Topological Models (6 hrs)

  • Vector and Raster Data Models
  • Field-Based and Object-Based Model
  • Pattern Analysis, Topology, and Spatial Relationship

3. Surface and Network Models (9 hrs)

  • DTM, DSM, DEM creation, and storage
  • Terrain Mapping, Raster, and TIN
  • Slope, Aspect, Surface Curvature, Surface Intersection
  • Fly through, Viewshed, and Watershed

4. Network Models (4 hrs)

  • Least cost path modelling
  • Network Modelling
  • Shortest Path Analysis and Closest Facility

5. Temporal Models (4 hrs)

  • Time as a dimension
  • Mapping time, representation of change
  • Single and multiple static maps, animated maps
  • Dynamic visualization variables and cognitive issues

6. Spatial Data Infrastructure (11 hrs)

  • Introduction and Components of SDI
  • Data Acquisition, Storage, and Distribution
  • Data Standards and Interoperability
  • Metadata, Data Catalogue, Data Access, and Delivery
  • NSDI, Clearing House, Data Warehouse, and Spatial Information Service
  • Roles of SDI, Outreach, and Capacity Building

7. Policy and Governance (3 hrs)

  • Legal and Ethical Considerations
  • Privacy and Security in Spatial Data
  • SDI Policies and Framework

8. Future Trends in Spatial Data (4 hrs)

  • Emerging Technologies in Spatial Data Production
  • ICTs, Web, and Internet
  • Client-Server Computing and Data Dissemination through web
  • Future Trends in GIS and Spatial Modelling
  • Digital Transformation


  • Exercises related to Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Recommended Reading and Reference Books

  1. Kang-Tsung Chang, Introduction to Geographic Information System, 9th Edition, McGraw Hill Education.
  2. Principles of Geographic Information Systems, ITC Educational Textbook Series 1.
  3. The SDI Cookbook, GSDI, May 2004.
  4. H Moellering, Spatial Data Transfer Standards, Elsevier Applied Science, 1991.
  5. Z Li, Q. Zhou, W Kaiz, Advances in Spatial Analysis and Decision Making, Vol. 1, ISPRS, 2004.
  6. P Agouris, A. Croitoru, Next Generation of Geospatial Information, Vol. 3, ISPRS, 2005.

Examination Scheme

Chapter Very short questions Short questions Long questions Total marks
No. of questions Marks No. of questions Marks No. of questions Marks
1 1 2 1 4 - - 6
2 - - 2 8 - - 8
3 - - - - 1 10 10
4 1 2 1 4 - - 6
Total 4 8 8 32 2 20 60

Model Questions

Very Short Questions (4x2 = 8)

  1. What do you understand by spatial data and what are its types?
  2. Write two main differences between least cost path analysis and shortest path analysis.
  3. How do you represent change in a static map and multiple static maps?
  4. What are the significances of a thin client and a thick client?

Short Questions (8x4 = 32)

  1. What do you understand by coordinate system? What is the significance of projection in spatial data modeling? [1+3]
  2. What is the contribution of Moran’s I statistic for measuring spatial autocorrelation? [4]
  3. Precisely explain what factors affect watershed analysis results and how? [4]
  4. Explain any two application areas each of least cost path analysis and shortest path analysis. [2+2]
  5. What are dynamic visualization variables? Briefly explain each of them. [4]
  6. Define Spatial Data Infrastructure and explain its components. [1+3]
  7. Write a short note on privacy and security aspects you need to address while dealing with the production and mobilization of Spatial Data. [4]
  8. How does client-server architecture play crucial roles in data dissemination through the web? [4]

Long Questions (2x10 = 20)

  1. What sort of spatial relationships can exist between two regions derived from the topological invariants of intersections of boundary and interior? Explain topology and five rules of topological consistency. [4+1+5]
  2. Consider you are given a DEM of Kathmandu valley. Describe how you will use it to delineate stream networks along with point-based and area-wide watersheds. Explain how you can deploy your outputs to suggest concerned authorities about the annual flooding problem in the valley. [7+3]
    What are the current challenges of data sharing in Nepal? In relation to the efforts of the Government of Nepal to establish a national geoportal, describe how a proper implementation of SDI approaches can address the setbacks posed by these challenges. [4+2+4]
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